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From a young age, I was built and shaped by designers. Here, I'm not referring to my teachers or parents. I am referring to everyday items I use in my daily life, such as toothbrushes, clothing, a vacuum cleaner, a shoe rack, shelving, etc. The spark of curiosity began to ignite, I began to discover new things myself. Rather than learning how to use these items from anyone else, I have learned how to use them in accordance with the way they were designed. As I continued to use these items, I slowly began to understand their purpose and how they were designed to function. This understanding has allowed me to use the items more effectively, and I have come to appreciate the thought and effort that went into designing them. For what I know ⎯ forms follow functions. 



Throughout the years, I have always been inspired by the following quote,


“Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read, build the products you want to use – do the work you want to see done.”

―Austin Kleon


And so i did it, and this remains my primary driving force throughout my life. Whenever I get creative blocks, or just feel like stepping away from heavy projects I take a break and do something I enjoy to clear my mind. Yet, as I realized, I will never run away from design hahaha because that is what I am, captivated by the art of design in many ways, such asdrawing, doing random videos to capture moments of my life, or simply drawing. 

Side business I ran few years back selling customised organic bar soap, It was a great experience running a business like this while doing something I enjoy. I learn how to market my product, and build a strong network of connections and supporters as it is crucial for the success of any startup. It also involves making strategic financial decisions. Learning to manage finances effectively can benefit you in all areas of life.  On the whole, starting and running a business can be a challenging, yet rewarding experience that helps me to gain valuable experience and skills.

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