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Due to current poor onboarding process, migrant brothers in Singapore arrive uninformed, isolated, and trapped in a cycle of vulnerabllity. Unaware of their rights, support systems, and avenues for help, they remain silent due to fear and anxiety, leaving them susceptible to exploitation and abuse.

The Opportunity​

How can we better prepare migrant brothers in Singapore by implementing an effective and welcoming onboarding initiative that can foster their mental well-being and sense of belonging?

Handshake Hangout?

Handshake Hangout is an add-on to the traditional onboarding process, offering a groundbreaking alternative. It prioritizes creating a welcoming environment that fosters a sense of belonging, reduces isolation and fear, and ultimately empowers migrant workers. By building a supportive and understanding system, we can break the cycle of isolation and contribute to a more inclusive Singapore for all.


This comprehensive service framework we propose aims to empower incoming migrant brothers in Singapore. Through engaging activities and informative sessions, they will gain valuable knowledge about available resources and support systems, including helplines and buddy programs. This vital information, coupled with the opportunity to connect with fellow workers, will alleviate feelings of loneliness and equip them with the tools to navigate their new environment with confidence!

Our first intimate event with the migrant brothers!

Done by:

Shanice Chong, Event and Product Designer

Shandelyn Ang, Film Producer

Winona, Illustrator

Project work exhibited at National Design Center

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